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American Medical Association (AMA) Citations

Journal Article:

Marreiros HF, Loff C, Calado E. Osteoporosis in paediatric patients with spina bifida. J Spinal Cord Med. 2012;35(1):9-21. doi: 10.1179/2045772311Y.0000000042


Charlton G. Internal linking for SEO: examples and best practices. SearchEngineWatch. Accessed February 1, 2022.


Goldberg L, Elliot DL. Exercise for Prevention and Treatment of Illness. FA Davis; 1994.

Book Chapter: 

Prince M, Glozier N, Sousa R, Dewey M. Measuring disability across physical, mental, and cognitive disorders. In: Regier DA, Narrow WE, Kuhl EA, Kupfer DJ, eds. The Conceptual Evolution of DSM-5. American Psychiatric Publishing Inc; 2011:189-227.

AMA Quick Guide from St Catherine's University 

Perdue Owl AMA Guide 

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