A full-text online reference service, CREDO contains dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, quotations and atlases, plus a wide range of subject-specific titles covering everything from art to accountancy, science to Shakespeare and law to literature.
Provided by the South Dakota State Library. Core collection of online reference books in the following subject areas-health, history, government & law, science, education and business.
Teacher's Survival Guide: The Inclusive Classroom
LB1027.23 .S57 2011
LC1201 .V65 2010
Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders – Print version: Ref. RJ 506 .A9 H26 1987
Divided into four sections; Characteristics of autistic syndromes, Interventions, Autism & society, and Perspectives.
Includes references at the end of each chapter and an index.
Ebook version (2005) v. 1 Ebook version (2005) v. 2
Encyclopedia of Special Education -- Ref. LC 4007 .E53 2007 v.1-3 (e-book link)
A reference for the education of the handicapped and other exceptional children and adults
Vol. 1 AAAS to Dystonia Musculorum Deformans (DMD)
Vol. 2 Ear and Hearing to Overcorrection
Vol. 3 Palmer Crease to Zygosity
Concise Encyclopedia of Special Education – Ref. LC 4007 .E53 2002
“A reference for the education of the handicapped and other exceptional children and adults”
Entries are brief but include reference lists
Handbook of Special Education – Oversize LC 3965 .H26
Divided into 5 parts; Introduction, Conceptual foundations, Service delivery systems, Curriculum and methods, and Child and environmental management
Includes references and an index
Handbook of Special Education: Research and Practice – LC 3965 .H263 1987 v.1-3
Vol. 1 Learner Characteristics and adaptive education
Vol. 2 Mildly handicapped conditions
Vol. 3 Low incidence conditions
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